癌癥專家Robert Pirker呼吁保護非吸煙人群,要重視預防吸煙的健康教育工作。
腫瘤學家Robert Pirker稱,保護非吸煙人群是預防肺癌的關鍵點。Pirker說:據統計,上個世紀與吸煙相關的疾病引起約1億人死亡。從這個意義上講,吸煙受害者總數超過同期所有戰爭導致的死亡總人數。如果全球吸煙行為沒有徹底發生改變,我們將看到的是本世紀與吸煙相關的死亡人數會超過10億。
另外,Pirker建議所有的吸煙者戒煙。國際研究表明, 不管你的年齡多大,戒煙都是很有必要的。在這種背景下,Pirker引用了英國百萬女性研究。科學研究表明,吸煙的女性患癌癥的風險比不吸煙的女性高25倍。即使她們在50歲時開始戒煙,這樣的風險也會降低很多。Pirker說:盡管我們在不斷的改進肺癌的診斷和治療方法,但是人們最好不要開始吸煙,煙民們要盡早戒煙。(來源生物谷)
Effective protection for non-smokers could prevent 30 of all cancer deaths
Every year, lung cancer causes around 1.6 million deaths worldwide. 70% of all lung cancer patients throughout the world are smokers or ex-smokers and, in Central Europe, this figure is higher than 80%. Smoking is therefore regarded as the central risk factor for this disease. On occasion of World No Tobacco Day (31st May 2016) Robert Pirker, cancer expert from the Comprehensive Cancer Center (CCC) at MedUni Vienna and Vienna General Hospital, is therefore calling for improved protection for non-smokers and redoubled efforts in the area of smoking prevention.
For oncologist Robert Pirker, prevention and protection of non-smokers are key strategies in the fight against lung cancer. Pirker: The statistics speak for themselves: last century, smoking-related diseases led to more than 100 million deaths. In this sense, smoking is responsible for more victims than all the wars over the same period taken together. If there is no radical change in worldwide smoking behaviour, we will see more than 1 billion smoking-related deaths this century. Smoking is therefore a huge problem for our society and we need to tackle it head-on, says the MedUni Vienna expert.
According to dontsmoke.at, an initiative run by experts from the Austrian Society of Haematology & Medical Oncology (OeGHO), Austria is lagging behind in Europe when it comes to controlling tobacco and protecting non-smokers. Pirker: There is a lack of political will in Austria and the public are not prepared to establish consistent measures. Establishing smoke-free areas in pubs and restaurants or putting warnings on packs of cigarettes are merely first steps in the right direction. If the expert were to have his way, there would be a general ban on smoking in pubs and restaurants. Moreover, the price of tobacco products would have to be increased significantly and public awareness raised about the health risks and financial disadvantages of smoking.
There is also a need to improve legislation to protect minors. Quitting smoking is always worthwhile However, alongside prevention, Pirker advises all smokers to quit. International studies show that it makes good sense to stop smoking, no matter what your age. In this context, Pirker refers to the United Kingdom Million Women Study. This scientific study showed that women who smoke have a 25x greater risk of developing cancer than those who don''t. Even if they quit smoking at the age of 50, their risk falls to 6x that of a non-smoker. Pirker: Although the diagnostic procedures and treatments available to us are constantly improving, it is even better not to start smoking in the first place or, at least, to give it up again as soon as possible.
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