張玉波 伍亞民 楊恒文 侯天勇
摘 要:
[目的] 證實神經(jīng)生長因子(NGF) 具有促進大鼠再生坐骨神經(jīng)中的血管生成作用。
[方法] 用單通道的砷膠管橋接75只Wistar大鼠1cm的坐骨神經(jīng)缺損, 在橋接管內(nèi)給藥, 并將它們隨機分為三組: 生理鹽水組、醫(yī)用幾丁糖組、NGF +醫(yī)用幾丁糖組, 每組25 只, 在5個不同時相點(0, 2, 7, 14, 30 d) , 用免疫組化的方法檢測大鼠再生坐骨神經(jīng)新生血管內(nèi)皮細胞中CD34的表達。
[結(jié)果] 隨著時間的增加(30 d以內(nèi)) , CD34的表達呈逐漸增長的趨勢, 其中在0, 2 d時, 坐骨神經(jīng)中沒有CD34表達: 7、14、30 d時, NGF +醫(yī)用幾丁糖組的CD34陽性染色顯著多于醫(yī)用幾丁糖和生理鹽水對照組( P < 0. 01) , 醫(yī)用幾丁糖組和生理鹽水組間并無顯著差異(P > 0. 05) 。
[結(jié)論] NGF能促進再生周圍神經(jīng)的血管生成; NGF能促進毛細血管的生成。
Effect of nerve growth factor on ang iogenesis of regenerative perpheral nerve
Abstract: [Objective] To evaluate the effects of Nerve growth factor (NGF) on angiogenesis in rat’ s regenerative sciaticnerves.
[Method] Seventy2five rats were divided randomly into three group s, which were named NGF2chitosan group, chitosangroup, physiological saline group respectively. The sciatic nerve with 10 mm defect in the left hind limb was bridged with silicagel conduit. After the bridging, the NGF2chitosan, chitosan or physiological saline was injected into the conduit respectively,
then the exp ressions of CD34 immunohistochemical stain ( brown stain) in the regenerative peripheral nerve blood cap illarieswereobserved over a period of 0, 2, 7, 14 and 30 days. The results from each group were compared.
[ Result] The exp ression level ofCD34 in the NGF2chitosan group was significantly higher than that in the chitosan group or physiological saline group.
Conclusion sNGF can p romote angiogenesis of the regenerative peripheral nerve and benefit the growth of blood cap illary.